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- Released 14 Oct 2016
- 1st Edition
- Limited of 100
- 40 Photos
- 88 Pages
- 297 × 210 mm
- Hard cover, perfect binding
- €30.50 + Shipping
This high definition 1912p resolution Mare Rubrum (Red Sea) video was created with 300 photos taken with my mobile phone camera. These 300 photos were selected from a total of over 400 that I took, all with an aspect ratio of 1:1 and a 1912x1912p resolution, on January 28, 2012, during the time I was lying on the couch watching a soccer game… No photos have been edited, and the Posterise effect was obtained in real time by the camera software.
With the exception of the video’s opening photo, which I selected for this particular effect for graphic reasons, all the photos appear strictly in the order they were taken. The morphing between each image is 60 frames long, totalizing 2 seconds each. Thus, at 30 frames per second, the video runtime is exactly 10’00”, and it also works in loop mode.
The soundtrack was recorded by improvisation, in a single take of 16’42”. From this long take I’ve selected, without editing, the last 10’00”.
Mare Rubrum, which in Latin means Red Sea, is a video designed to be watched in a black room, with dark and soundproofed environment. The projection size should have at least 3×3 meters, from ceiling to floor, with the side walls being the edges of the square screen.
Resolution: 1912×1912p, 30 fps, MPEG-4 H.263, 15 Mbps
Sound: Stereo, 384 Kbps, 44.1 KHz, AAC
Aspect Ratio: 1:1
Runtime: 10’00”
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